Barru , Barru District Head Inaugurates Waempubbu Clean Water Service in Ballewe.Barru District Head Ir. H. Suardi Saleh inaugurated the Waempubbu Clean Water Service in Ballewe Hamlet, Binuang Village, Balusu District, Tuesday 8/8/2023. The Head of the Waempubbu Group as the service manager who has tireless enthusiasm and determination so that this clean water service can return to normal flow.
According to the Regent, the need for clean water is a basic need. Therefore, please maintain this clean water service and make the best use of it.
He hopes that the managers and beneficiary communities will keep clean water flowing to residents’ homes. This is not a business but a social service so it needs the support of all residents.
“I hope that this service is
maintained and given an understanding for the beneficiaries. Don’t be late paying contributions and hopefully it will become a pilot because our target is 100 clean water services, while currently it has only reached 65,” he said.
Previously , Head of the Waemlubbu Clean Water Service Management Group, Andi Mannahau, gave a flashback to the whereabouts of the clean water service group, which has faltered on its journey.
That said, there are quite a lot of challenges and winding roads that must be traversed in order to continue to provide clean water among the people of Ballewe who from year to year are always faced with the difficulty of getting clean water.
With a diesel engine, water pumping from the Waempubbu spring has not been able to meet the clean water needs of the residents. Not to mention that operational costs cannot be covered by beneficiary contributions that are collected voluntarily every month.
Meanwhile, to switch from pumping with a diesel engine to PLN electricity requires a lot of funds. However, starting from sincerity and determination, in the end Baznas and Pemda Barru provided financial support and the transition process from the diesel pumping system to PLN was resolved.
“Thank God, thanks to our shared determination, today all of us who are present will witness the inauguration of the Clean Water Service by the Regent of Barru. And God willing, 114 beneficiary residents will again enjoy clean water,” said A. Mannahau.
Head of Binuang Village H. Andi Hendra AL. Palowongi representing the community expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Basnas and the Regent of Barru for their concern for the needs of their citizens.
With the transition of management from the diesel engine pump system to the PLN electric system, it will be easier to manage, the operation and maintenance will also be cheaper than the diesel engine pump.
“Thanks to the support of the Regent, various successes have been achieved in Binuang Village. The government is always there whenever there is a need for its citizens,” he said.
Head of Baznas Barru Regency H. Abdullah Rahim. Assistant I Secretariat. Head of Agriculture Service. Head of LH Head of Licensing Office, Head of UKM and Trade Cooperative Office, Head of Social Service as Plt. Balusu subdistrict head, Binuang village head.